Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I wrote something!

I really did. So what? you say - you've written several things. Well, this was different.
Yesterday afternoon I was chatting on the writers site I belong to and some very helpful people went over the plot of my novel with me. The novel that I've been failing to write for some time now.
What I ended up with was a page of very untidily scrawled notes in my notebook and a much clearer idea of where I should go with the story. Which is nice. And then I sat down last night and wrote 500 words of the opening scene.
Now, that's not a great deal, but it is a start. And, just as importantly, it's a start I didn't want to immediatly throw away - something I've done a lot of.
I would have posted it since there isn't too much of it, unfortunately, I've forgotten to bring in my USB key today, so I don't have a copy with me. Maybe tomorrow I'll throw it up.

Anyway, I'm happy at the moment - maybe I realy can do this writing thing :D


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