A change of scenery
Lately I've been struggling with the outline of my fantasy novel - going under the working title of Cornelius1 (simply because it is the first book with Cornelius in it). I can't seem to get the plot straight in my head and keep coming up against all sorts of stumbling blocks. It seems that every time I sort something out, the resolution leads to another problem. So I'm taking a break and going on to something else.
I've had a basic premise for a comedy sci-fi in my head for quite some time now. The idea came to me way back when Independence Day was in the cinemas. It was originally intended as a spoof of that very film. I was going to call it St George's Day and have the MC as a guy called George who saved the day from an alien invasion on 23rd of April.
I may still use the St George's Day bit, even though it's been a while since ID was around. Not sure on that one - what do you reckon?
There is, of course, something more to the story than this - a twist in the tale. However, I won't reveal it here because the people I intend to use as guinea pigs read this blog, and I don't want to give it all away before they've read it.
I'm hoping this will be a really fun book to write. I've written one very small scene which I had a good giggle over. I'll include this short excerpt below as a teaser of what's to come:
George picked up a cylindrical object that looked not unlike a torch. There was a switch on the side and, with a distinct lack of respect for the fact that everything was alien here and this was almost certainly not a torch, he flipped it.
With a distinctive Pvvvvshhhh that will be familiar to practically anyone who lived through the last 30 years of the twentieth century, the room was suddenly bathed in an eerie green glow. The light was emanating from the torchlike device George held, only it wasn’t like an ordinary torch. Ordinary torchlight had this odd habit of not forming a solid looking beam three feet long.
Holding the device tentatively in his right hand, George tried a few experimental slashes.
Whummm – whummm.
“It’s real” he said, looking up with wide eyes at Iain, “it’s a real lightsab-“
“You can’t say that, you have to call it, oh I don’t know, a sword of light or something.”
“What? Oh yes, okay. Well, you know, it’s one of them, a real working lights…er…sword of light.”
George flipped the switch again and, chuckling at the schwooom sound it made as the blade disappeared, tucked the device into the back of his belt.
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