Okay, I think I've done something rash. I've signed up for National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. It's a kind of competition, run online, in which the participants attempt to write 50,000 words worth of novel in just one month. And it's November too, so it's not even a long month, just 30 days. That's 1666.666.... words per day.
That's quite a lot.
So, I will probably be even more reclusive than normal next month, as I pound at my keyboard in an attempt to drag those words from the depths of my brain.
Bearing in mind that the most I've ever written on one project is about two or three thousand words, this won't be an easy task. But it's supposed to be a challenge, and so I shall gird my loins, steel myself and maybe even do a bit of praying in the hope that I can meet the challenge head on and bloody well get something done this time!