Friday, January 20, 2006

Going okay for a change

So, the writing has been going pretty well lately. I have a plot, of sorts, and I've been writing. Things are happening without me really thinking too much, which is great. I've introduced a couple of new characters, who seem to be taking the story in a slightly different, and better, direction.
On a slightly less great note, I've discovered that I can't do villains! My main antagonist, one Natasha Slee - vampire-mage - is pretty good and evil, but even she was a struggle.
I tried to give her an accomplice, a bounty hunter named Ersum Frost, who she hires to kill the MC, but he's turned out to be a good guy who she misled.
Okay, while writing this post, I've also been working on my story, and I've created a new baddie, a female necromancer who coerces Cornelius into using his magic without a spell (very dangerous and a big no-no).Now I suddenly realise that all my heroes are guys, and both of my baddies are girls! Wonder what this says about me? Maybe I should make Cornelius a girl, and the necromancer a man...hmm, have to think about that.


At 27 January, 2007 00:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 31 January, 2007 16:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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